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The Changelog - v0.6.0

Today I Learned - TIL ðŸ’Ą

I have a strong desire to document everything I learn daily. I currently share interesting content in my weekly blog posts called changelog. I include things I read or watch that week. Yet, I want to be more intentional with my learning.

Simon Willison, one of my favorite tech bloggers and software developers, inspired me with his blog section. It's called TIL, which stands for "Today I Learned". It is a collection of daily snippets of knowledge he has obtained that day. A link to Simon's TIL here.

I see this as a great method to emulate, so I created my own TIL repository to collect my learning snippets. I plan to share some of them here in the future ðŸĪž.

The Changelog - v0.5.0

🎉 UPDATE 🎉 - Excited to annouce I'll be attending Northeastern University ðŸū ðŸĶī where I'll pursing a MS in Computer Science starting Spring '24 🎓.

Just sharing some articles, blogs, and vidoes I came across this week. Plus two new books I picked up this week.

The Changelog - v0.4.0

During the past two weeks, I have been traveling, but that hasn't stopped me from staying up-to-date with the latest articles, blogs, podcasts, and videos. Whether I was waiting at the airport or sitting on the plane, I made sure to keep myself entertained.

Now that I'm back, there is a lot to catch up on, so without further delay, I am excited to announce the release of version 0.4.0 🎉!

The Changelog - v0.2.0

It's the week before Thanksgiving ðŸĶƒ and looking to wrap up a few things before the holiday season kicks into overdrive (already stressing about gift-giving! ðŸĨē). I digress...

In this changelog, I'm changing the way I go about reading documentation and reminding myself of the importance of clean code. Also, highlight some tools I found this week and ones I enjoy using consistently. Lastly, a new project I'm working on to learn a new framework (hint: terminal ðŸ’ŧ + Python 🐍).

Here is the latest release! 🎉 Version 0.2.0 🎉.