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The Changelog - v0.6.0

Today I Learned - TIL 💡

I have a strong desire to document everything I learn daily. I currently share interesting content in my weekly blog posts called changelog. I include things I read or watch that week. Yet, I want to be more intentional with my learning.

Simon Willison, one of my favorite tech bloggers and software developers, inspired me with his blog section. It's called TIL, which stands for "Today I Learned". It is a collection of daily snippets of knowledge he has obtained that day. A link to Simon's TIL here.

I see this as a great method to emulate, so I created my own TIL repository to collect my learning snippets. I plan to share some of them here in the future 🤞.

✨ v0.6.0 ✨

Besides the new repo, I have plenty of new articles, blog, and other content to share. With that, here is the newest release - v0.6.0 🎉



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  • Are programmers obsolute?

    Naval Ravikant: Put another way, programmers are not these magical elves who have learned this secret esoteric ritual which nobody else can learn and understand. Programmers are simply the people who are so dedicated to building software that they're willing to stay at the edge of the craft and learn and use every tool no matter how sophisticated or complex it is.

    Today's programmers use a different set of tools and languages as will tomorrow's. So tomorrow's programmers will be doing natural language programming but they will be every bit as dedicated, skilled, intense, and applying effort as in the past. So I still don't think that high-end computing gets democratized. Here is the key difference. The key difference is that when you program something, software can go to a billion users and it's the same software. So people always just demand the best.

    As opposed to where if we're digging ditches and now we all get bulldozers, it is truly democratized because one ditch is not better than the others and building more ditches still takes more effort. So because programming is winner-take-all within a given domain, the specialist programmer will continue to dominate over the journalist who's just telling the computer to write the code."


    Zbynek Drab: So the ideal large language model is sort of like the reverse of the genie from the classic fairy tales where you typically get exactly what you asked for but something else than you meant and a well-designed language model will give you exactly what you mean no matter how clumsily and crudely you phrase it.>