The Changelog - v0.9.0
A few new articles and tools ✨.
Text Replacement in macOS - Dan Helyer - use Text Replacement to create shortcuts for frequently used phrases or sentences. Started using this for LLM custom prompts and my email address since I have 4+.
Para Method - - I use this method to organize my whole life now. It really has helped more become more organized and proactive in accomplishing tasks and projects.
"PARA is a methodology for organizing digital information and activities in a way that is simple, useful, and flexible. PARA itself is an acronym that stands for 'Projects', 'Areas', 'Resources', and 'Archives' - which are the four main categories that make it up."
Simon Willison interview: AI Software still needs the human touch - Thomas Claburn - I enjoy listening to Simon's take on LLMs and his thoughtful considerations of the pros and cons. Also, he makes interesting analogies to how he sees them like below.
""It's like having a weird intern who has memorized all of the documentation up until a couple of years ago, and is very, very quick at spitting things out if you give them the right guidance. So I'll ask it to do very specific things like write me a Python function that opens a file, reads it, then transforms it. It's kind of like if you're working with a human typing assistant, and you say, "hey, write code that does this and this and this." And if you do that, it saves you a bunch of time because you don't have to type all that out."
Prompt Design and Engineering: Introduction and Advanced Methods - Xavier Amatriain - A great introduction to prompt engineering. It made me rethink how I craft my questions to ChatGPT and other LLM systems.
"The essence of prompt engineering lies in crafting the optimal prompt to achieve a specific goal with a generative model. This process is not only about instructing the model but also involves a deep understanding of the model’s capabilities and limitations, and the context within which it operates. In image generation models, for instance, a prompt might be a detailed description of the desired image, while in LLMs, it could be a complex query embedding various types of data."
- How to align images in GitHub - DavidWells - I never knew you could use HTML in GitHub markdown. More information can be found here.
<img align="left" width="100" height="100" src="">
- Oxide and Friends - Open Source LLMs with Simon Willison - another amazing conversation about LLMs with Simon Willison. Again, enjoy listening to Simon's take on the subject matter and the future possibilities of open-source models.
New Tools
- Raycast - I have been using this launcher for a little over a week now and the best thing is the extension library that opened up a whole new level of productivity for me.
- Airtable - I keep reading great things about AirTable, so I wanted to try it for myself. I'm starting to track my book list in Airtable, but I plan to expand it to other structured data I keep like vocabulary, receipts, etc.