The Changelog - v0.8.0

awesome-readwise - A curated list of awesome Readwise libraries, plugins, software, and resources.

GitHub has a section on the Explore page called Topics.

One of these topics is called "Awesome Lists". "Awesome lists" are a list of things curated by the GitHub community. If you can think of a topic, it is safe to assume it has a list for it. Here are some of my favorites:

  1. awesome-python
  2. the-book-of-secret-knowledge
  3. papers-we-love
  4. awesome-mac
  5. awesome-machine-learning
  6. awesome-logseq
  7. awesome-behavorial-interview
  8. github-cheat-sheet

Dating back to last summer, I have beeing using Readwise and their read-it-later app Reader. It has completely changed how I consume content on the internet. Plus, it has been the perfect companion tool for my notetaking/ knowledge capture system - Logseq.

I had created two open-source projects using their APIs for fun and was curious about other projects on GitHub that also used them. To my amazement, I found a plethora of open-source projects that people had built from client libraries to integration tools and open-source software.

I saw that there wasn't a list yet for these projects and other resources, so I started "awesome-readwise". I already have found tons of interesting projects from it from AI integrations to flashcard makers.